otc toenail fungus treatment

Sandals and fungus and solutions, oh my!

Let’s talk fungus.

Now, we get it. A blog that begins with “let’s talk fungus” may not necessarily be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever read. But that’s the point. We want to talk about fungus so that you can get your beautiful back!

Social and political communities usually neglect fungal infections. However, they affect more than a billion people. That’s a billion people who could be suffering from the embarrassment of showing their toenails, to much more significant implications on their overall health. 

Nail fungus is also called onychomycosis. When fungus infects the areas between your toes and the skin of your feet, it’s called athlete’s foot (tinea pedis). And while it can affect fingernails too, it’s more common in toes. And fungal infections worsen with age, causing your toes to look completely discolored, thicken and even sometimes crumble at the end. 

Those who relate to what we’re saying may even have tried many other options already but have gotten despondent with the lack of results. 

But here’s the good news.

We have a solution! An awesome solution. A chemical-free, natural, love-your-new-toenail-life solution. And we want to share the love. 

At Swissklip, we have now started selling the only roll-on anti-fungal stick out there. Yup, you can read that again if you wish, because it is somewhat revolutionary. It’s completely hygienic and safe to use (in fact, it’s better), and there’s no mess and no fuss – just incredible results. The Swissklip Medi-Care Anti-Fungal stick is also 100% natural, containing no preservatives or additives, and is vegan and vegetarian friendly. 

And for those of you who prefer a neat summary at the end of a life-changing blog, here it is: 

The Swissklip Medi-Care Anti-Fungal stick:

  • Treats fungal infections
  • Pain and risk-free
  • Helps to repair thick nails
  • Restores shine
  • No side effects 
  • 100% natural 
  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Easy application roll-on

We can see you smiling from here. And so are we, because we heard there’s a great sale at that sandal store, too!